Get Direct Phone Number Of Hausa Lady Hajji Aminat In Kano Seeking a Young Serious Boy To Travel With Him To Dubai provides you with Lady numbers all over the globe.  We have young, wealthy, old, beautiful and curvy Lady with different desires. Wanting a lover .Then let’s Connect you up online today.  Via whatsapp, facebook, instagram, tinder, twitter, Skype, zoom. 

My name is Hajji Aminat, I reside in Kano and I’m married to a very wealthy man who has 5 more wives, in as much as I’m his youngest and prettiest wife, I doubt he misses me when I’m away.  His mistress train is even longer.

Well enough talks about my husband. I have a son,  he’s about 5yrs but I still feel lonely.  If I had known what I know now, I wouldn’t have married for the money. I often envy Couples, who walk together, travel together and do romantic things together.  I hated that I had to share mine and even hate more that he never had any of our time. The last time I felt his weary touch was about a year ago and I’m young and very vibrant.

I travel alot to Dubai and I want a young boy who can always  pose as my escort. I would introduce him as my new body guard, so I would appreciate  if he is fit and immensely attractive and educated enough to speak and behave well.

I want to enjoy my life while I’m young, So posing as my body guard will make us have the best relationship ever. No one must know of the affair even if they suspect, I don’t want anyone finding out, not my son or Co wives nor my husband.  I can get you a house in Kano,  Incase you are not based here and rest assured we will travel always and I will spoil you with money.

This is my contact number…….  Please contact me asap.
Scroll down for her direct phone number

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